Medhealth Review

Security Risks Multiply for Healthcare Data

Data is assuming more significance than ever in the healthcare industry. The industry is currently witnessing a data-driven change. Medical data is increasingly precise and vast owing to the integration of innovative technologies such as the IoT or AI.

The data has become increasingly reliable and accessible. However, industry observers anticipate new risks. 

The possibility of data breaches is more. Depending on the intensity of the violation, the impacts could be short-term or long-term.

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Personal health information (PHI) is a prime target for hackers due to its high level of sensitivity. 

Also, the industry has recently witnessed the adoption of innovative technologies. The abundance of a wide range of technologies is essential for healthcare security experts. For example, the new range of data-sharing technologies makes data transfer more accessible, faster, and precise. However, these technologies can also make the data more vulnerable to hacking.

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The regulatory environment is the other aspect enhancing the healthcare industry’s risk quotient. The new legislation is likely to introduce amendments to existing laws. In addition, there are live laws for data security. However, not all of them extend the clarity required at each stage. 

Since laws like HIPAA need to provide more specific guidance for today’s data transfer and security requirements, the new legislation will likely replace or amend such rules. Therefore, sector data experts must prepare to comply with these new laws.

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